"MOOCs Are a Red Herring."
~ Jesse Stommel

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MOOC MOOC: Critical Pedagogy launched in early January, 2015. Click here for more info.

The previous iteration, MOOC MOOC: Dark Underbelly (MMDU), which ran from January 29 - March 5 2014, was a rambunctious series of discussions about the past, present, and future of higher education, focusing on topics rising directly from Cathy Davidson’s distributed #futureEd experiment and its various offspring.

MOOC MOOC, a mini- micro- meta-MOOC about MOOCs, has run in three iterations in August 2012, January 2013, and June 2013. The course takes the approach of a wildly open pedagogy, playfully investigating the form of the massive open online course with an eye toward adapting its pedagogies for other learning environments.

MOOC MOOC, designed by
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, was announced in the Hybrid Pedagogy article, “The March of the MOOCs: Monstrous Open Online Courses,” in which Jesse argues, “Content and learning are two separate things, often at odds… Most content is finite and contained; whereas, learning is chaotic and indeterminate. It’s relatively easy to create technological infrastructures to deliver content, harder to build relationships and learning communities to help mediate, inflect, and disrupt that content.”

For more information and updates about future events, read our recent article about MOOC MOOC, follow @moocmooc, @Jessifer, and @slamteacher on Twitter. Then, click the links below to view material from the various iterations of the course.
"The Truth about MOOCs" by Sean Michael Morris
"The Provocation of MOOCs" by Sean Michael Morris
"Institutions and Communities" by Pete Rorabaugh
"Participant Pedagogy" by Jesse Stommel
"Learning Outcomes and Assessment" by Petra Dierkes-Thrun and Robin Wharton
"Inventing Learning" by Sean Michael Morris
"Reflection as Learning and Teaching" by Sean Michael Morris

Take Me to the MOOC!
"What is MOOCification?" by Sean Michael Morris
"Why MOOCify?" by Janine DeBaise
"How to MOOCify" by Chris Friend
"MOOC While You Sleep" by Jesse Stommel

Take Me to the MOOCathon!
For MOOC MOOC, we used Instructure’s Canvas as a laboratory to investigate the MOOC, while also exploring our theory that the LMS functions best as a portal not a reservoir, a way out to the Internet, rather than a mere repository. Elsewhere we argue that LMSs often discourage good pedagogy and obstruct learning; however, since we’re interested in praxis as much as theory, we determined to discover if an LMS could work for massive learning and teaching.

We chose Canvas specifically because the folks at Instructure were game and interested in new pedagogies, and because it made possible a course that could live openly on the web, and interact with it, the same way a web site can. While we utilized Canvas tools like Collaborations and the Discussion forum, the main content of the course -- created by its participants -- was dispersed across web sites, blogs, Twitter feeds, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and more.

From "Hacking the Screwdriver: Instructure's Canvas and the Future of the LMS": "Technology is only a tool -- a hammer or a screwdriver […] Even the screwdriver can be hacked."

Where Does Learning Happen? (Jan 2013) from Chris Friend on Vimeo.

MOOC MOOC: MOOCification from Sean Michael Morris on Vimeo.

MOOCification Teaser from Chris Friend on Vimeo.

Intro to MOOCification MOOCathon Part 3 from Chris Friend on Vimeo.

Maria Andersen, “Recipe for Free Range Learning
Jacques Berlinerblau, “Survival Strategy for Humanists: Engage, Engage”
Marc Bousquet, “Good MOOCs, Bad MOOCs”
John Seely Brown and Douglas Thomas, “Learning in the Collective”
Mike Caulfield, “The mixably Open Online Course (mOOC)”
Teresa Chahine, “Pushing MOOCs the Last Mile”
Dave Cormier, “Rhizomatic Education: Community as Curriculum
Dave Cormier, “What Is a MOOC?”
Dave Cormier, “How to Succeed in a MOOC”
Cathy N. Davidson, "Let's Talk about MOOC (online) Education--And Also About Massively Outdated Traditional Education (MOTEs)"
Cathy N. Davidson, Now You See It: How Technology and Brain Science Will Transform Schools and Business for the 21st Century
Cathy N. Davidson, “On Shifting Attention”
Cathy N. Davidson, “How to Crowdsource Grading”
Janine DeBaise, “Learn Like an Arachnid: Why I’m MOOCifying”
Stephen Downes, “Welcome to the Change MOOC”
Stephen Downes’s review of Kamenetz’s guide to a DIY credential
Alan Dunn, “Udacity -- The Future of Education”
Al Filreis, Cathy N. Davidson, Ray Schroeder, and Ian Bogost, “MOOCs and the Future of the Humanities: a Roundtable (Part 1)”
Chris Friend, “Breaking the University
Chris Friend, “Everting the Classroom
Chris Friend, “Guiding Principles”
Frances Fukuyama, “A Conversation with Peter Thiel”
Melonie Fullick, “Following the Herd, or joining the merry MOOCscapades of higher-ed bloggers”
Bell Hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom
Hundreds in a Google Doc, “A MOOC by Any Other Name”
Steven Johnson, “Where Good Ideas Come From”
Anya Kamenetz, “The Edupunk’s Guide to a DIY Credential”
Steve Kolowich, “MOOC Students Who Got Offline Help Scored Higher, Study Finds
Steve Kolowich, “Without Credit”
Steve Krause, “MOOCs and Prior Learning Assessment”
Dominik Lukeš, “How to MOOCify Your Course and Why You Should Do It”
Dominik Lukeš, “Tools of Mass MOOCification
Robert Maxwell, “Learning Objects and MOOCification”
MOOCON 24 - a 24-hour MOOC conference organized by students of Social Media class in Kelowna B.C. Canada
Sean Michael Morris, “Beyond the LMS
Sean Michael Morris, “Broadcast Education: A Response to Coursera”
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, “Digital Pedagogy and MOOCification”
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, "MOOCagogy: Assessment, Networked Learning, and the Meta-MOOC"
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, "A MOOC is not a Thing: Emergence, Disruption, and Higher Education"
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, “Participant Pedagogy: a #digped Discussion” and the storify of the ensuing #digped chat
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, “Pedagogies of Scale”
Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel, “Udacity and Online Pedagogy: Players, Learners, Objects”
Howard Rheingold, Net Smart: How to Thrive Online
Howard Rheingold, “George Siemens on Massive Open Online Courses”
Howard Rheingold, “Toward Peeragogy”
Sir Ken Robinson, “Changing Education Paradigms” (RSA Animate video)
Pete Rorabaugh, “Audrey Watters Wrestles with MOOCs”
Pete Rorabaugh, “Hack the LMS
Pete Rorabaugh and Jesse Stommel, "Experiments in Mass Collaboration"
Alison Seaman, “Personal Learning Networks: Knowledge Sharing as Democracy”
George Siemens, “The Complexification of Education”
George Siemens, “What is the Theory that Underpins Our MOOCs?”
Bonnie Stewart, "If Foucault Ran a MOOC"
Bonnie Stewart, “The MOOC Is Dead, Long Live the MOOC”
Jesse Stommel, “The March of the MOOCs: Monstrous Open Online Courses”
Jesse Stommel, “Online Learning: a Manifesto”
Jesse Stommel, "Online Learning: a User's Guide to Forking Education"
Sebastian Thrun’s interview on Tech Crunch
Siva Vaidhyanathan, "What’s the Matter With MOOCs?"
Audrey Watters, “The Language of MOOCs”